Larry page linkedin
Larry page linkedin

larry page linkedin larry page linkedin

Larry Page, student delegate from Stanford, with Council member and Nobel Prize laureate Dr. To explore the possibilities of his new “PageRank” mechanism more fully, he called on the data mining expertise of his classmate, Sergey Brin. Page soon found that ranking websites by the number of links leading to it from other sites was a far more useful measure of a Web document’s relevance to a user’s search criteria. Searches often produced endless lists of websites of very little pertinence to the user’s query. Existing facilities for exploring the Web could only rank search results by the frequency of appearance of a given word on any page of the Web. Larry Page wanted to devise a method for determining how many other Web pages linked to any one given page. The Internet and the World Wide Web were just taking shape as major forces in telecommunication when Larry Page entered Stanford. Larry and Sergey are now worth more than $105 billion. Reportedly, Google purchased the 1,900 square foot house, where they rented a garage from Susan Wojcicki for $1,700 a month. The home where Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin rented the garage in 1998 to set up Google is seen October 2, 2006, in Menlo Park, California. It was also at Stanford that he first met fellow computer science graduate student Sergey Brin and recruited him to join his research project. It was there that he first undertook the project of analyzing patterns of linkage among different sites on the World Wide Web. After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering, he began graduate studies in computer science at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California. He was an honors student at the University of Michigan, where he also participated in the university’s solar car team, reflecting another lifelong interest: sustainable transportation technology. Larry Page attended a Montessori school in the primary grades and later graduated from East Lansing High School. Larry Page and Sergey Brin registered the domain of on September 15, 1997. Significantly, his older brother, Carl Page, Jr., also became a successful Internet entrepreneur. The Page family home was full of first-generation personal computers and scientific magazines, and young Larry, as he was called, immersed himself in them. Carl Victor Page, was a professor of computer science and artificial intelligence at Michigan State University, where Lawrence’s mother, Gloria, also taught computer programming. Lawrence Edward Page was born in Lansing, Michigan.

Larry page linkedin